Welcome to THE BASE


Basics of meditation, values and to set a spiritual tone

Basics of meditation, values and to set a spiritual tone Details

Picnics and outings to parks & nature walks drhd

Picnics and outings to parks & nature walks Details

Screening of educational movies/features through Home Theatre for conceptual understanding

Screening of educational movies Details

Interacting with Montessory apparatus for sensory training, language development, concept of numbers

Interacting with Montessory apparatus for sensory training, language development, concept of numbers Details

Awareness of self, home, school, city and nature through projects & visits

Awareness of self, home, school, city and nature through projects & visits Details

Baby pools in summer months

Baby pools in summer months Details

Games-Jig saw puzzles, building blocks, swings, slides, sea saws

Games-Jig saw puzzles, building blocks, swings, slides, sea saws Details

Story telling with illustrations, toys, puppets and through visuals

Story telling with illustrations, toys, puppets and through visuals Details